Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Randy II: The Deadly Mist

We all expected a good game. We got one.
The only problem is I was totally in inebriated and cannot recall a damn thing.

So if anyone can actually remember please leave a comment. I only remember being really gutted not to go further. Luckily Roy sent me some picks so I know I had quads Jacks. Ahh.. Its all coming back now..

These are the placings (this I could just about make out):

1. Randy Reinder.
2. Liam. Can't read my notes here
3. Andy. Lost out against Andy's pocket rockets.
4. Adam. Can't read my notes here
5. Robbert. Can't read my notes here
6. Roy. Can't read my notes here
7. Brian. Can't read my notes here

My tip of the day: Try Playing Poker with a STRAIGHT HEAD!! Will also help to write about what happened..

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Randy Success!

Because Juha dropped out the tourney was five players, with the top three getting POTY points. We all thought we would do well.

But the game started slowly; no one was donked out in the the first three rounds with lots of small pots being played. It was not until the last few minutes before the add on period that action really took hold;
Reinder who had been slowly losing money through the first levels was knocked out by Adam in a nasty little hand and he rebought.

After the break things really livened up; stacks went up and down for most of us except Brian, who with very aggressive play became the undoubted big stack. Brian power play became the them of the night.
Brian went all in in the dark after Liam limped in from 1st position and Roy called from the small blind. Liam folded straight away. After a few moments of consideration Roy called; he had j10 diamonds and Brian had an ace rag off suit. Brian won with a high card ace! Roy was out. Crazy play from Brian but it was profitable.

Liam was next out after suffering from various coolers; every pocket pairs he got he played nicely but he fell to some loose aggressive calls from the table. It was a night for him to forget; he played well! How could we all suck out on him?

Down to just three players Brian, who had been the big stack and now had nearly 75% of the chips in the game, went into overdrive. He was bossing the table and someone had to stand up to him, and that man was Reinder. Backing the strength of his starting hand Reinder called down one of Brian stronger hands to double up. Shortly after this Brian went all in with pockets 2s and Reinder called him down with a higher pocket. Brian was dumbfounded; it was an unbelievable blow up, one which will probably not be repeated in the history of poker.

Then it was a headz up between Reinder and Adam, chip stacks were about 20 k to Adams 3k, blinds were 300 and 600. Headz up lasted about 5mins, after one double up Adam was too aggressive with an A5 off suit which Reinder instantly called his all in with A9off. Reinder won.

It has been a remarkable effort by Reinder (nickname Randy) to take it down. Out of all the players so far he has the best tourneys to win ratio and moved himself a long way up the rankings, its a shame he doesn't play more often. He was amicable in victory stating that he got the good cards when its was important, but I know he also layed down a few good hands too, so well played Randy.

The rest of were left to drown our sorrows in the cheap wine and beer. My enduring memory of the night was Liam curled up like a baby on by sofa; crying softly like a baby..

Muttun Lam

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This has to be seen.......

I really think this needs to be read by everyone, I don't think you need to be a member to read it, and if you aren't hanging around in these forums then you NEED to be.... elevate your game... there is no spoon!!!


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Goin' Fishin?

Friday, July 4, 2008

Poker is bad for your health!!!

British Poker Player Suffers Ultimate Bad Beat; Plunges to His Death After Losing Poker Game

king is pointing up to the title of the article about a british kid dying after playing poker The Telegraph is reporting that young Mark Day, all of 20 years old, plunged to his death after losing a poker game with some of his closest friends.

He wasn't distraught after losing his life savings in a high-stakes poker game. He didn't jump off his balcony after losing next month's rent money.

Instead, Day and his friends were drinking. Heavily. They were on vacation in Magalluf, Spain, and were staying at the Majorca Beach Hotel. Day, along with his friends Marc Smart and Steve Kimberley, were enjoying some time off from their studies at the University of Essex.

The threesome were playing poker in their hotel room. In their intoxicated states, they decided that it would be a good idea if the biggest loser in their poker game had to perform some humiliating task.

They decided that the loser would have to strip down to just their underwear, and run down the hallway in the hotel.

Mark Day lost the bet. According to police, he stripped down to his underwear and raced down the hallway on the fifth floor of his hotel.

Unfortunately for Day, he proceeded to run directly through the window at the end of the hallway, and fell five floors. He crashed onto the concrete below, and was pronounced dead at the scene shortly thereafter.

Police think that Day:

a) tripped and crashed through the window
b) was running so fast that he couldn't stop in time
c) was distracted by something and ran directly through the window

Day's friends, Marc Smart and Steve Kimberley, were questioned by police and then moved into another hotel.

Be careful out there.

Original story

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The quick and the dead....

So saturdays game was VERY quick indeed... for some reason we were finished at 100:30 and everyone could catch their trains and make their way home without too much fuss.

The game began with a bit of a rammin jammin feel with Adam all in with A 7 early on to double up through Dave and Dave having to rebuy very quickly. Liam was a late show but only missed 6 hands or so before he arrived and then he began to play nice and aggresively too.

Things were quite aggressive till the 3rd round with very little rebuys, then in the 3rd round with 10 mins still to go in the rebuy period we had 3 rebuys, Liam, rebought and added in straight away after Adam called him down with Q 4 and took the rest of his stack and building his own into a nice workable situation taking the Chip lead early on.

Everybody added in making the pot €190 in total.

Then it happened first hand after the break, David Raised preflop, Brian called and Liam reraised, after asking how much Liam had behind, he just called and Brian called after him.

The flop came :

Ks Qc 8s

David pushed all in directly on the flop, Brian called and Liam called.

When the cards flipped over David tabled 8 8 for 3 8's, Brian had middle pair with QJ and Liam showed AK spades for top pair and nut flush draw!

The board bricked out and the 3 8's held up and David tripled up and built his stack up by quite a bit and took the chip lead from Adam. Shortly after this Robbert called Dave down with pocket 3's after thinking that Dave had missed his straight draw. His luck was a bit down after picking up Aces twice but never really winning any big pots with them..

Not long after that Andy who was also sitting on a nice stack after winning lots of smaller pots got into an important pot. Andy called het blind and Roy moved all in behind him. Andy after thnking for a while said that he called despite adding it didn't feel right..... how those feelings can be so correct.

Roy turned over pocket 3's and Andy turned over pocket 4's the board came down 6 5 2 rainbow giving both players a straight draw... whoever hit their set would make the straight for the other one...

The turn paired the board and then on the river came the 4... making a set for Andy but the straight for Roy, taking half of Andy's stack.

Adam then knocked out Andy a few hands later after they both got it all in the middle, that left just 3 over, Roy, Adam and Dave.

Within a few hands Adam raised preflop to 1000 and Dave reraised him 1500 Adam then moved all in and dave called, showing J J to Adams, A Q off suit. The board bricked out again and the JJ held up knocking out Adam and leaving Dave with 90% of the chips in play against Roy.

Again after Dave called the big blind, and Roy check the board came down, K 9 8 with two hearts. Roy bet and Dave called, the Ah fell on the turn and Roy moved all in and Tabled 10 8 offsuit and he had walked into Daves nut flush with the Q 5 of hearts and was drawing dead.

And so ends another tourney, it looks like next week it could be held in Hilversum so that sounds like it could be a great game! see you all soon!!