Monday, August 11, 2008

How you feeling............?

Well what a crazy night yet again....

Aces were seen 5 times during this game and Robbert held them 3 times.... at a rate of 224-1 that is pretty intense odds of seeing one hand so many times in the game, I believe Brian had them the other 2 times... once they were cracked by Dave's 5's and the other time he picked up a small pot with them I believe, Robbert won some small pots with them and I believe one big pot... but still some HUGE hands were seen Saturday night!

anyway on with the match report:

Things started off a bit rough for Brian after slow playing his aces and Dave flopping a full house with his pocket 5's... to stack Brian off in the 3rd hand, this followed by Dave getting it all in with J J against Brian's QQ a few hands later and stacking him off again with J on the turn.... it didn't seem to be Brian's night..

You would have though with that kind of a start Dave would have been walking to another victory but Andy had other ideas.. every raise from Dave was followed by a re-raise from Andy who was sat on his right, he kept pressing and putting Dave under pressure and picking up some large pots to take a bit of a lead until he walked into 10 10 vs his A J and had to rebuy.

Roy was being a bit quiet and didn't seem to be hitting too many hands and was just holding his own now and again quietly protecting his stack, and Robbert seemed to be very short-stacked for quite some time during the match, just waiting patiently for something to happen for him. Eventually after about 4 rebuys (2 from Brian) and everyone adding on things started to happen although everyone was still in the game until very late this week nearly everyone was still in at 11:30 and down to 4 at about 12:00, Roy was the first out leaving him to wonder what happened, next was Dave after a very drunk Brian called an all in with A 7 against Dave's 7 7, proclaiming he had one of Dave's outs.... hmmmmm..... next hand the now Short-stacked Dave was all in with K 8 suited against Brian's J J, he didn't survive. Brian had played his short stack well and now had a nice pile of chips in order to attack from 2nd in chips. Justice was done for his early bad luck with the aces and the queens, there is a poker god it seems..

Adam was the next victim... getting called down by Andy's K 9 vs Adam's A 8 and getting stacked after a King on the turn even with his playing a nice aggressive game all evening, stealing at the right times and slowly building his stack despite one rebuy and being short stacked for some time.

A VERY drunk Brian was being very aggressive when down to the last 3 and Andy made good use of his aggression eventually picking him off to give himself a commanding chip lead going into heads up.... and for the first time it was Andy vs Robbert heads up for the title...

What a heads up it was too.... Short-stacked Robbert went all in with K 6 against Andy's 7 7 even with a 7 on the flop (giving Andy a set of 7's) Robbert managed to get the HUGE suck out and hit a straight on the river when the 5 fell doubling up.... Andy was not pleased but still had plenty of chips, but it was not looking like it was meant to be and despite Andy's aggressive play sometimes it takes a bit of luck or a hand to hold up for you to be able to take it down.

The next big blow was when a huge flop came down Q J J with 2 spades....... Robbert bet and Andy called.. you could just feel this was a big hand... Robbert pushed all in on the turn and Andy pondered what to do.. after minute or two Andy called showing the nut flush draw, unfortunately Robbert turned over Q J for the flopped full house.... negating Andy's flush draw... and crippling Andy

This left Andy very short-stacked and it didn't take very long for him to be knocked out and for Robbert to win his first title for quite some time and get his winning streak back on track. Taking home €120 and Andy taking home €40 much to his disgust.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

My Aggressive Aces...


My slowplayed Aces...


Monday, August 4, 2008

Roy takes it down.

6man tourney 26july08 Hilversum venue

Everything started in a flurry of chips being thrown around crazy! The funny part
was they were all going in ONE DIRECTION: BRIAN's.

At the end of the 3rd Round, 5 players were roughly in the same neighborhood of
2.500 in chips and Brian had 17.500, a BIG CHIP LEADER. How could this be? Easy,
everytime Brian would take a stab at the pot, there was "the fish of the nite",
ADAM. He rebought 5-6x that nite, bossin Brian up everytime and goin back into his
pocket for another. Adam just would not give him credit for a hand (and was the
first to go out in the tourny).

After the Add-on period and start of round 4, everyone had roughly 5k and Brian also
added-on for shits-n-giggles and held a cool 20k. Adam couldn't catch a break and
was knocked out one more time quickly by Brian, poof.

Next was a short stack in Andy hittin the bricks hard after runnin into Brian's
pocket A's that hit a set on the flop, ouch. Robbert took the last 1.000 of Andy's
stack and the two dealers were set in stone. Everyone else was welcomed to the
"points club" by the enthusiastic chip leader as the game continued.

Reinder and Robbert were next to go out against Brian and it left only Roy standing,
or well sitting in the lowrider chair of the evening. MOOI.

Brian still held a chip leader with about 25k to roys 20k and when it came time to
throw it in, they both did. the pot was about 15k with Brian's AKo goin down to
Roy's AJo with a Jack on the flop, that held up. This took ~Brian for a surproise
being in the chip lead for 4.5hours and it was a quick finish after this.

The chips stacks were about even now w/ Roy's 25k to Brian's 20k... the details get
a bit foggy here after rebuying with Reinder the whole nite Rose wine, (DANG BLURRY)
Brian jumped all in with middle pair 9's while the flop told Roy to call with top
pair 10's. After a few minutes of lookin over the board adn his options, it was a
definite call, sweeping the rug out from under the nites chip leader adn takin down
the big cash of 135 adn leavin Brian with the measly crumbs of 45.

Brian knows it was a bad ALL-IN move but havin that big nite and that bottle of wine
in ya makes everything a lil sweeter and sexy when it comes to hittin the flop
heads-up, but hey, theres always the next tourney.

Keep yer eyes peeled and them chips clankin'.

