Friday, January 30, 2009


I thought with the fact that we are all playing many more cash games lately that I would place a few of our house rules online to prevent any situations from arising that may cause upset and as a place for us to use as reference where necessary.

1. Games are dealers choice, but susceptible to a group vote, if only one man wants to play stud and no one else, the group can refuse. PLO, PLO HI/LO, limit, Pot Limit and No limit holdem are ALWAYS ok to play.

(Crazy pineapple, pineapple, Studmaha, and Omahaha are selective to a few of us and can be voted out and I believe should be ignored if new players wish to play.)

2. 1 person to a hand!! seems silly but it can be easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and start to get involved.

3. The people in a hand can decide how they want to play it, run it twice, 3 times, chop the pot and not run it... it is up to the people in the hand to decide and the dealer to adjudicate if he is not in the hand.

4. If you declare a hand after a river call for showdown, you MUST be able to produce the hand you declare or a better one. You cannot declare a flush if you have two pair in the hope that someone will muck their otherwise winning hand.

5. 7 2 is always active in the cash games we hold. winning with 7 2, even if it is the best hand ( 7 2 suited makes a flush, or 7 2 makes a full hosue etc..) then everyone at the table must pay the winner 1 x big blind.

6. Straddles are live, the initial straddler or straddlers after that can always raise.

7. If there is confusion in a hand about the winner (studmaha for example) then someone must be asked for assistance, usually the dealer unless he is in the hand then his stand in will be asked to referee the situation.

8. Unless otherwise stated and voted on blinds will be 0.10 / 0.25 euro cents.

9. Players can ask each other to change seats if they wish and the deal is between the two and cannot be stopped by another player, if 2 people wish to change seats they have that option.

If we all play nice then it will remain a great game and we can all have fun!

Games tend to be run by : Adam or Dave, if in doubt ask one of them!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

VERY late end of year round up!

Yep it happened, the POTY was crowned and the renknowned luck box Dave was the recipient of Player of the year.

The first real game of 2009 has yet to take place, but we will be sure that we try to sort out the POTY system again this year.

It was a close match, Roy came a close second and it did all come down to the last match of the year with Roy needing to knock Dave out without him scoring any points which led to him making some crazy calls and also with the fact he was feeling a bit shitty and ill he ended up not doing to well in that final match.

It came down to Reinder and Dave heads up and With all the chips in the Middle Dave had top piar and a flush Draw and Reinder was needing a none spade 10 in order to win, Dave really thought he had got himself into contention to win it, but a 10 of diamonds on the river sealed the match giving Dave second and the championship.

I am now going to empty the points and we are all going to start a FRESH NEW YEAR!