Tuesday, April 28, 2009

he doesi to the next guy, no need for skill...

how bad do I run ? let me show you

a fucking idiot calls 10 dollars iwth 4 outs on the turn! and wins

PokerStars Game #27550028711: Omaha Pot Limit ($0.02/$0.05) - 2009/04/27 17:59:42 CET [2009/04/27 11:59:42 ET]
Table 'Tolosa' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: soier007 ($6.10 in chips)
Seat 2: gijsinmaker ($12.22 in chips)
Seat 3: mtechie52 ($9.06 in chips)
Seat 4: rornoraul ($8.30 in chips)
Seat 5: CloWn.SaNe ($10.61 in chips)
Seat 6: Tenakalaz ($12.15 in chips)
soier007: posts small blind $0.02
gijsinmaker: posts big blind $0.05
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Tenakalaz [6c 4s Qs Jh]
mtechie52: raises $0.10 to $0.15
rornoraul: calls $0.15
CloWn.SaNe: calls $0.15
Tenakalaz: calls $0.15
soier007: folds
gijsinmaker: calls $0.10
*** FLOP *** [8s Ad Td]
gijsinmaker: checks
mtechie52: bets $0.75
rornoraul: calls $0.75
CloWn.SaNe: calls $0.75
Tenakalaz: calls $0.75
gijsinmaker: calls $0.75
*** TURN *** [8s Ad Td] [5s]
gijsinmaker: checks
mtechie52: checks
rornoraul: bets $1.25
CloWn.SaNe: calls $1.25
Tenakalaz: calls $1.25
gijsinmaker: raises $9.32 to $10.57
mtechie52 said, "Jd"
mtechie52: calls $8.16 and is all-in
rornoraul: folds
Tenakalaz said, "damn I cant fold now."
CloWn.SaNe: calls $8.46 and is all-in
Tenakalaz: calls $9.32
*** RIVER *** [8s Ad Td 5s] [7c]
gijsinmaker: bets $0.55
Tenakalaz: calls $0.55
*** SHOW DOWN ***
gijsinmaker: shows [2c As Ks Tc] (two pair, Aces and Tens)
Tenakalaz: shows [6c 4s Qs Jh] (a straight, Four to Eight)
Tenakalaz collected $2.72 from side pot-2
CloWn.SaNe: shows [6h 7d 7h 9s] (a straight, Six to Ten)
CloWn.SaNe collected $4.45 from side pot-1
mtechie52: mucks hand
CloWn.SaNe collected $36.51 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $45.88 Main pot $36.51. Side pot-1 $4.45. Side pot-2 $2.72. | Rake $2.20
Board [8s Ad Td 5s 7c]
Seat 1: soier007 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: gijsinmaker (big blind) showed [2c As Ks Tc] and lost with two pair, Aces and Tens
Seat 3: mtechie52 mucked [Kd 9c Kc Qd]
Seat 4: rornoraul folded on the Turn
Seat 5: CloWn.SaNe showed [6h 7d 7h 9s] and won ($40.96) with a straight, Six to Ten
Seat 6: Tenakalaz (button) showed [6c 4s Qs Jh] and won ($2.72) with a straight, Four to Eight

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sick hand from the weekend!

Implied Odds

Seeing as they seem so terribly misunderstood by people I thought I would post something about it on here.... maybe help some people learn what true implied odds are and how it ACTUALLY works instead of just guessing, "but if I hit one of 4 outs, I will win his stack" which is incorrect methodology for implied odds, implied odds is math, not hoping. The mathematics are complex and relate to many variables in the pot and the action. Hopatronics and Implied odds in hindsight do not justify bad losing decisions.

Poker Implied Odds
Where pot odds take into consideration the money that's in the pot right now, implied odds is an estimation on how much money you CAN win from the bet if you hit one of your outs. For instance, with 100 in the pot, and a bet of 20, is your gain really only 100 if you win? Can you really not squeeze out an extra few bucks from your opponent if you hit your flush? You probably can - and so as the pot will get bigger, your implied odds go up.

A good example of when implied odds in poker come into play is when you limp in with a small or medium pair before the flop in hold 'em. Your chance of hitting a set (which is typically the only way a small or medium pair will win) is around 7.5-1, which means that pot needs to have 6 or 7 other limpers to make it worthwhile. But, of course, that's presuming that everyone will fold if you hit your set, which is rarely the case. Let's say instead that you get four other limpers and your bets will narrow the field down by 50% on the flop, and another 50% on the turn - what are your implied odds?

Four limpers to the flop = 4 SB.
Two callers to the turn = 2 SB.
One caller to the river = 1BB = 2 SB.

Here, you stand to win 8 small bets, at the initial price of 1, which gives your call positive expectation. By this count, your implied odds are good to make this pre-flop call with a weak pair because of the money you'll figure to win if you do hit your set, rather than the amount you're "guaranteed" to win.

Here's the downside to implied odds in poker though: They're an estimation, and as it so happens, people tend to be way too optimistic in calculating them.

For instance:
K♥ 7♦
On a board with:
Q♥ 9♣ 8♥ A♥

gives you 9 outs to a flush, which is a 4-1 shot. Now let's say that there were only two of you in the pot, one limper and you in the BB. Flop was checked around, and he bet at the turn after you checked, the pot would be about 2BB. You're paying 2-1 to see the last card, which could give you the nut flush - but do you call? Pot odds say no. Implied odds likely don't give you the numbers you're looking for either, but this is where people get overoptimistic!

If your opponent paired his ace and has no hearts, would he really bet into a four-suited board after the river? Would he call your bet? Probably not. You can hardly figure to win more than the money that's already in the pot at the turn, because if you make your hand on the river, he's not going to pay you enough. Even if he calls an extra bet on the river (maybe he has the J♥), you're still not getting good enough odds. At that point, your call on the turn will have cost you 1BB, and you're looking at a profit of 3BB, which gives you 3-1. You'll have to successfully checkraise him (and he has to call your checkraise) for it to be near profitable, and you have to succeed at that every time that you hit your flush. Hardly likely.

I know some players who think this is mathematical mumbo-jumbo and has no place in a gambler's heart, but this is really the principle that separates winning players from losing players: Being able to tell a profitable bet from a non-profitable one. In the example above, there's a non-profitable bet being offered. Don't take it. Learn your poker pot odds and implied odds thoroughly so you know which choice is the right choice.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

some people are complete fucking idiots!

PokerStars Game #27114919169: Omaha Pot Limit ($0.02/$0.05) - 2009/04/15 15:24:54 CET [2009/04/15 9:24:54 ET]
Table 'Gemma' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: GOLD_DEN ($9.56 in chips)
Seat 2: Kjhp ($4.04 in chips)
Seat 3: tompy1973 ($13.86 in chips)
Seat 4: Tenakalaz ($3.16 in chips)
Seat 6: jeroquee ($5.54 in chips)
tompy1973: posts small blind $0.02
Tenakalaz: posts big blind $0.05
LuckySrG: sits out
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Tenakalaz [9c 9d Ac Ad]
jeroquee: folds
GOLD_DEN: calls $0.05
Kjhp: calls $0.05
tompy1973: calls $0.03
Tenakalaz: raises $0.20 to $0.25
GOLD_DEN: calls $0.20
Kjhp: calls $0.20
tompy1973: folds
*** FLOP *** [Qh 5s 3d]
Tenakalaz: bets $0.80
GOLD_DEN: calls $0.80
Kjhp: calls $0.80
*** TURN *** [Qh 5s 3d] [8h]
Tenakalaz: bets $2.11 and is all-in
GOLD_DEN: calls $2.11
Kjhp: folds
*** RIVER *** [Qh 5s 3d 8h] [Js]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Tenakalaz: shows [9c 9d Ac Ad] (a pair of Aces)
GOLD_DEN: shows [Td 5d Jh 9s] (a straight, Eight to Queen)
GOLD_DEN collected $7.07 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $7.42 | Rake $0.35
Board [Qh 5s 3d 8h Js]
Seat 1: GOLD_DEN showed [Td 5d Jh 9s] and won ($7.07) with a straight, Eight to Queen
Seat 2: Kjhp (button) folded on the Turn
Seat 3: tompy1973 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: Tenakalaz (big blind) showed [9c 9d Ac Ad] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 6: jeroquee folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

sick all in hand

PokerStars Game #27089265456: Tournament #155877045, $2.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2009/04/14 21:26:49 CET [2009/04/14 15:26:49 ET]
Table '155877045 9' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Djamba77 (980 in chips)
Seat 2: jocó61 (755 in chips)
Seat 3: loser niz (1530 in chips)
Seat 4: Lotosblüte1 (1500 in chips)
Seat 5: saintsfanND (1350 in chips)
Seat 6: marc977 (3160 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 7: olmanbrenner (1395 in chips)
Seat 8: Tenakalaz (3960 in chips)
Seat 9: Hoschy13 (1320 in chips)
saintsfanND: posts small blind 25
marc977: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Tenakalaz [Qh Qd]
olmanbrenner: calls 50
Tenakalaz: raises 150 to 200
Hoschy13: folds
Djamba77: raises 780 to 980 and is all-in
jocó61: calls 755 and is all-in
loser niz: folds
Lotosblüte1: folds
saintsfanND: raises 370 to 1350 and is all-in
marc977: folds
olmanbrenner: raises 45 to 1395 and is all-in
Tenakalaz: calls 1195
*** FLOP *** [9s Js 3d]
*** TURN *** [9s Js 3d] [As]
*** RIVER *** [9s Js 3d As] [8h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
olmanbrenner: shows [Ad Kd] (a pair of Aces)
Tenakalaz: shows [Qh Qd] (a pair of Queens)
Tenakalaz said, "LOL OMG sick"
olmanbrenner collected 90 from side pot-3
saintsfanND: shows [Jd Jh] (three of a kind, Jacks)
saintsfanND collected 1110 from side pot-2
Djamba77: shows [Ac Kc] (a pair of Aces)
saintsfanND collected 900 from side pot-1
jocó61: shows [Qs Ks] (a flush, Ace high)
jocó61 collected 3825 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5925 Main pot 3825. Side pot-1 900. Side pot-2 1110. Side pot-3 90. | Rake 0
Board [9s Js 3d As 8h]
Seat 1: Djamba77 showed [Ac Kc] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 2: jocó61 showed [Qs Ks] and won (3825) with a flush, Ace high
Seat 3: loser niz folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: Lotosblüte1 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: saintsfanND (small blind) showed [Jd Jh] and won (2010) with three of a kind, Jacks
Seat 6: marc977 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 7: olmanbrenner showed [Ad Kd] and won (90) with a pair of Aces
Seat 8: Tenakalaz showed [Qh Qd] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 9: Hoschy13 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Why I played it So BAD...

well I came in 5th AGAIN... suck.
I had a great stack etween 7-10k during the middle-late stage of the 8man tourney saturday nite 11apr09 at daves n played one hand bad n was eliminated... I'll tell ya why:

Here how my last hand played out:

Blinds at 200/400 5-handed.
Dave first to act raises to 1200, 3xBB. I CALL (mental note here). Andy calls, dealer & blinds fold, we see a flop.

3 Q J rainbow

Daves first to act n goes All-In immediately with 7k more. I think he doesnt have a queen cas he wasnt showing real strength (Dave's big tell wasnt present ;) I have 6k more so hes putting me ALL-IN if I call. so after about a minute of internal deliberation I think Im good n I CALL. Hoping Andy folds cas "I GOT A MONSTER IF IM CALLING" he open folds QTs and folds top pair. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. of course any of us could b holding that AQ right? NATURALLY, he thught Dave had it, He ut me on a J. 50% great read Andy. but no... dave flips over 9Ts, hes drawin to an open ended straight draw (minus the backdoor flush), n I flip over KJs for middle pair n a backdoor flush draw. So its a race and I'm in the lead but hes got 7outs to hit his straight but still only about 30-35% to hit I believe (anyone know the numbers here?). He needs help n I have to hold on.

Turn comes Q, paired the board took away some percenteages to hittin on the river, now hes about 15-20% to make his straight(?), I got 2 pair this is looking good. Dave needs a K or an 8 to hit the straight or HES OUTA HERE (hed have 1 orange chip left n the blinds would eat him up in 1round)...

River card: 8

He hits his straight n IM OUT.


Heres why.

Cas CALLING the pre-flop raise was a the wrong move wit 2 suited paints. ITS A MONSTER shorthandand, any Ace rag should fold here to a Riase + ReRaise 7k to call for 80-90% of their chip stack. Either RAISE OR FOLD, no weak calling here, its the wrong move. SO, by NOT RAISING about 5k MORE pre-flop which wouldve induced 2 quick folds, I let then BOTH see a flop that I couldve avoided elimination from an also woulda won a decent sized pot, bumped back u to 10k n held a strong chip stack goin into the later rounds of the tourney 5handed.

By playing weak I lost. Lesson learned.

Note to self: Making mistakes on my home turf is needed so that when I get into the big dance for a chance for the BIG SCORE (1million to da winner), THESE MISTAKES WONT HAPPEN. WANNA CASH, GONNA CASH, 40th Edition WSOP 2009 HERE I COME. 11wks to game time.

Final Tourney Results!

1st: Mike 10pts / 142euro
2nd: Andy 8pts / 42euro
3rd: ???? 6pts (Dave or Rob)
3rd: ???? 4pts (Dave or Rob)
5th: Brian 2pts

Rock aan n straight flushes on the river when your neighbor gets quads,

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mike wins the big tourney!!!

Yep first timer mike took it down when he got a fullhouse on the turn
in the first hand of heads up!! Andy moved all in with 1 pair and was
out in second! Mike had the massive chip lead after a huge triple up
against David and Robbert when his QQ held up!

Well done Mike!

On the move......

The tourney begins!!

Adam destroys Roy's stack when he rivers a better fullhouse!!!

Kings full of threes vs threes full of aces!

Roy wins €40 pot with quad quuens on the river!

Yep rob moved all in with the nut straight and Roy called when he
rivered quad queens!! Rob was feeling a bit ill!

On the move......

Start of the biggest come back ever......? Errrrrrrr no :(

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Impromtu Tuesday night game

Wow a bit crazy last night,

Me Robbert and Adam got together to play a few hands and it was a bit wild and Loony..

Craziest hand of the night was Robbert calling Adam's all in with AJ against Adams AK, and Robbert hit the nut straight on the turn after Adam hit the King on the flop... horrible.

so another impromptu game more crazy hands!