Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

WORLD RECORD POT $1.1million Duuuur vs. Ivey

Barefoot Backyard 6hr Heads-Up Marathon

22mei10, Diemen Zuid

Roy showed up at 17:15 witta smile
n ready to rock-n-roll on this beautiful poker afternoon
while waiting on the others
we engaged in friendly heads-up action
in beebs bright sunny warm backyard
to start up the afternoon wit some all-in sun =)

After the games logistics took a turn for the worse
we found out, "its just us"
but play continued into late into the evening suprisingly.
a heated battle of wits, flops n raises
till there was only one man standing... WHO??!

about a 2,5hr session PLO Hi/Lo to get our feet well planted
in this interesting variant saw us both even 20/20euro
but as the afternoon progressed other games caught our fancy
and showing its ugly face more than once were:

- Pineapple
- Crazy Pineapple
- Dbl Mistake-mahaha (beebs personal fav)
- Stud-maha
- 7-card Stud
- 2-7 Triple Draw
- Badugi
- NL Hold 'em, respectively
- and one hand of Razz (backwards 7-card stud , HUH? YEA!)

in summary
a 10-game 6hr marathon heads-up cash game
in the backyard sun
barefoot drinkin' beer n mothers milk
n invitin the neighbors over for a game
but no takers as of yet =)

Oh yea... SO Who won?!?!

It was even-steven for the first 4hrs
with only a few big pots
but 85-90% of hands being seen down to the river
when beebs had roy against the ropes
with only 5 of the initial 20euro buy-in
it was looking good until an 16euro pot going to roy
to bring him back into contention

when the sun left for the day
the game was moved inside to warmer comforts
and the dynamic changed dramatically
beebs was caught adding on 14more euro
and at its dramatic end
in time to catch the last train leavin town
Roy was All-In with the Nuts
as beebs pushes his last 8,50euro
into the pot in the non-paired, 7-card board,
6card hand of Dbl Mistake-mahaha
with beebs holdin top 3 pair, both straights
but the J of hearts hits the river completing the flush...
beebs bein priced in, so to push of not to push...
beebs chose for the lock-boxology hope-a-tronics philosophy

Roy: +34euro (54euro pot total)
Beebs: 0euro n a smile


Getting a tan while pushin' All-in, barefoot...