Monday, November 12, 2007

23/24 November Reserve your seat NOW!!!

Yep it's time the game got started again, people are back from their travels and we are nearing the end of the year so now it's time to see who we can get for the games again.

As usual there will be a maximum of 9 seats available with the usual 10 euro buy in with 2 rebuys (till level 3) and one non compuslory add-in.

If you didn't recieve the email let me know or just put in the comments that you want to play.

I would also like to know which people have Gmail and for those who don't wether I can send you an invite so that we can use a shared google agenda for the poker games. I think it would be handy!!

See you all at the table!!

Watch poker online!

Just thought I would drop you a handy link in here if you fancy watching poker shows online in your browser. Thanks to Roy for this handy link.

It is updated reguarly and has the latest episodes of High Stakes, the complete run of the World Series including the much coveted H.O.R.S.E tournament from the last 24 to the final table, well worth watching. This tournament had a $50,000 buy-in and was almost exclusively played in by the big Pro's.

Hope you enjoy..

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Robbert wins again!!

Robbert put on another sterling performance on saturday to win the tourney once again... thats 2 in a row now. so nice one Robbert. 7 people played again and there were plenty of chips and a slightly smaller prize pool this week with a few less rebuys and addins.

Robbert had played very patiently waiting for good hands and thankfully for him people made some crazy moves against his stong hands and were just handing him their chips.

Liam decided to play against robbert's A K completly blind...... yep, withouth looking at a single card... now Dave had already gone all in with K Q diamonds and Liam calling with what ever hand he may have had. after the king hit and his kicker of course held up, robbert had basically tripled up leaving him well ahead of hte rest to take the win.

Now we are not being critical, but there is a sneaking suspicion that Liams decision was made more with the brain between his legs than the one ion his head, seeing as we all knew he had to meet a girl the next day!!!

Also congratulations to Juha who came in second although his decision to play pocket 5's which he was getting all night may have been his downfall!!

So everyone, time for you to make a mark on the tournament if you haven't won one already.. and get yoru skills honed fo the next match!!

So heres to the next game hopefully that will be this week, but perhaps a day earlier otherwise we may have to skip a week.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

check out the video!

Hi everyone, can I reccomend looking at the video on the far right....

It is one of the craziest preflop hands I have ever seen!!!


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Marathon session!!!


Well last weeks game was a REAL SESSION!!!!! from 8pm till 5:30 it was like being at the World Series final table.... everyone looked like they had been awake for a week and making good decision was becoming difficult for everyone... tiredness and desire to go to sleep could eventually have been a decidiing factor in the game..... it was the MARATHON session so well done to Robbert for holding it together and taking it down.

So Robbert is the defending champion now after Juha didn't manage to defend his title from the week before.

Once it got down to three people the stacks were all about even until one fateful hand came up, Dave raised in the big blind with KQ, Liam folded and Robbert pushed all in behind in the Big Blind.

Dave pondered and decided he couldn't fold now and called, only to find Robbert carrying...... Pocket Rockets... Robbert doubled up and knockced Dave out in 3rd, the bubble boy had been selected and Robbert was now very healthy in chips for heads up against Liam.

Most memorable moments from the night were :

1. Liam vs Stuart : Liam calling out that he will call a big bet on the flop to see the turn "just to see if I hit a jack and make my straight", Turn Jack flops...... Liam checks, Stuart checks.... the river comes and Liam bets out a big bet.... Stuart goes into the tank to think about what he should do, should he believe Liam or not.... Liam of course being Liam was telling the truth, Stuart called and his two pair ran into liams already declared straight Ace through 10.

2. Stuart vs Dave : Dave holding some junk in the big blind catches low pair and it gets checked to the turn.. Dave bets stu calls (had hit top pair), turn gives Dave a set (of 4's) he bets stuart calls.. River, you guessed it a 4..... Dave had hit backdoor runner, runner quads. Dave bet out, stuart raised with his full house.... Dave feigned confusion then pushed all in..... Poor old Stuart decided to call with his full house only to see the damage... he did survive though as he had Dave covered in chips.

3. Heikki vs the clock : After buying in then rebuying, Heikki decided he would rather push all in in order to try and catch a train back to hilversum...... he made the train.

Now on to the next game.....the blinds have been adjusted in order to speed things up but make it possible for people to play still.... maybe this is the happy medium we have all been looking for!!! lets test it this weekend!!

See you at the tables...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Touney Rules - Basic

The tournament is a 10 rebuy tournament with a limit of 2 rebuys per match and one addin at either the end of the third or 4th level.

Maximum 9 players.

Chips stacks - 2500 chips for you buy in and subsequent rebuys and add-in.

Chip Values

Red = 10
Green = 25
Blue = 50
White = 100
Black = 500
Orange = 1000

Next match will be - October 5/6 2007

email -