Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Robbert wins again!!

Robbert put on another sterling performance on saturday to win the tourney once again... thats 2 in a row now. so nice one Robbert. 7 people played again and there were plenty of chips and a slightly smaller prize pool this week with a few less rebuys and addins.

Robbert had played very patiently waiting for good hands and thankfully for him people made some crazy moves against his stong hands and were just handing him their chips.

Liam decided to play against robbert's A K completly blind...... yep, withouth looking at a single card... now Dave had already gone all in with K Q diamonds and Liam calling with what ever hand he may have had. after the king hit and his kicker of course held up, robbert had basically tripled up leaving him well ahead of hte rest to take the win.

Now we are not being critical, but there is a sneaking suspicion that Liams decision was made more with the brain between his legs than the one ion his head, seeing as we all knew he had to meet a girl the next day!!!

Also congratulations to Juha who came in second although his decision to play pocket 5's which he was getting all night may have been his downfall!!

So everyone, time for you to make a mark on the tournament if you haven't won one already.. and get yoru skills honed fo the next match!!

So heres to the next game hopefully that will be this week, but perhaps a day earlier otherwise we may have to skip a week.

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