Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Andy takes it down!

So it was Andy's first win at the big game this weekend!!!

Dave blasted himself out by walking into Robberts big hands everytime, kings, Aces, Ace King, busting Dave out first... much to his dismay.

Adam was holding a HUGE chip lead for much of the match but managed to lose that through a combination of crazy moves and red wine when he pushed all in with A 2 of clubs and despite hitting 4 clubs on the turn he was unable to beat Juhas AA.

Adam finally finished in 5th....

Robbert was next to go out despite having taken all of Daves chips he took a few beats and eventually went out with pockets 6's against andy's A 10 when he got a full house.

Juha went out in 3rd place when he was all in against andy's K 10 when Andy hit the 10 and juha didn't improve leaving Brian who had been quietly plugging away winning enough pots to keep himself going and surivive into second place.

Andy eventually took it down when he called an all in with A 8 and with noone improving he took down his first win!!

Congrats to everyone and especially to Andy for another action packed game! I think Andy took out most of the table apart from Dave who Robbert knocked out..

the next one will be in two weeks or so I will keep you posted!

The photo will be uploaded tomorrow.

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