Monday, September 29, 2008

the one before the last one which I won - I Finally Win

before I begin, does anyone remember who won last tourney? :-)
Ayway the one before:
I Finally Win
I won one.. Roy came 2nd.
I think Reinder came third and Robert was 4th.
There were two royal flushes.
Mine, which i flopped, holding Aks, Roy slopped a set of kings, and i was happy to check call his all-in.
Robbert had the other one. After mine in another big hand. 2 royal slushes within the hour! Unbeleivable.
It was a fairly hazy night for me, especially now when i try with great difficulty to remember..
No chance.
If anyone else can remember anything from 3 weeks ago - post a comment and help me out.
Here are the results:
Adam 1st 112 euros 10 pts
Roy 2nd 37euros 8 pts
Reinder 3rd 6 pts
I think we have points for 4th (Dave can confirm it), but if we do then:
Robbert 4th 4 pts
It was good to see Juha again. He was a crazy like a gazzel scenting the jungle fire and its a shame he can't play this saturday!  Reinder was like a insane dog, berating Robbert constantly about his slow play! And when we all started to cry when Andy suffered an incredibly bad beat off Roy... That topped everything, Since then I've embraced golf and started a new a darker life..
(Only joking, but as i cant remember shit then i make it up)

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