Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Holland Casino & Me, Tourney 01

Well! wat a great investment!

Tuesday Nite 50+10 NLHE 80man
Starting Stack: 1000chips
Unlimited Rebuys: 100 chips (50euro)
1 Add-on: 1500 chips (50 euro)
Start: 20:00

3-4 rounds cant remember of CRAAAAAAZY SWINGS, CRAZY ALL-INS AROUDN TEHE WHOLE TABLE, ITS CRAZY THE FIRST HOUR DANG! I was of course ALSo All-in within the first 35mins, went all-in again n hit on the river, now im sittin on 6k in chips, rebuy periods over n watda know, a normal bet come out! WOAH! nowwwwww everyones playin normal, DANG THAT WAS FUCKIN CRAZY! every dealer was yellin out REBUY! ALL-IN! hilarious atmospehere, everyone tryin to chipup bigtime. CRAZY!...

Add-on of course (EVERYONE DID DANG!) now im invested 150euro...
I got 7500 in chips, blinds still super low 50/100, no antes. NICE.
I walked around the room during the break and max. anyone had was 9000 n he was sittin next to me! 79 players to the break.

1st hand After the break, I got KQo middle position, folded around to me, I bet 250 (blinds 50/100) got the blinds callin me, Flop AKJ rainbow, check check Bet 750, call, call! Turn blank 3, check, check, CHECK, River 10! Hit the straight, check check I bet 2750 (pot +/-3000), got no callers. NOW I GOT 9000! WAT!

Now its paitence time. I waited n waited n waited, this one guy kept reraisin me 3x but I didnt pop with medium hands, so no worries, do It when I got a big one n Im puttin ya All-In jongen!

Tables are startin to break down, 3 from my table are gone, now were down to 56players... my table breaks down, I land on a SERIOUS HEAVY BIG STACK TABLE, 2 stacks wit 20k and Im down to about 7k n holding after all the waiting, antes up from 20, 40, now 60, blinds 100/200, got K8o on the button, folded around to me I push 100 chip in bu dont say raise, dealer says CALL, I say no thats a raise, she says SORRY, gotta say it, DOH! I get the BB callin me n I tell him, "YOU KNOW WATS COMIN NEXT RIGHT?" flop comes 3K4 2 diamonds, he bets 1500 n I push All-In focourse, the table was razin me a bit n I was sayin comments go back at em, got everyone riled up but he folded after about aminute, Im back to about 7-8k... table breaks down, n Im back to a nice soft table, NICE,, but the blinds n antes are CREEPIN M FAST! every 20mins BANG BANG BANG, now its 300/600 100ante, im just gettin eaten alive here, leakin, everyone goin all-in, one after another, no position,
decent holdings but no pushes/all-in calls from me, until my last hand, got KTo SB, folded around to BB who goes all-in 8k or so, Ive got 5k, blinds are 500/1000 ante? wateva, I call for all of it, he turns over A4s, no one hit, I got out wit a smile cas I know NOW:

that everyone was either a weak, straight-forward, no finesse, medium range skill/novice players who just wanna hit the final table...

oh yea
4k to start prize pool
ended with 7500 prize ppol
payout goes to the final table 9players, bottom 232euro, top 5k(?) somethin like that...

Will I go again? YES in two weeks. Any takers?
Do I think I could win it all? YES
Could you have played better? YES but only made 2 mistakes. One I didnt call an All-In and One I did (OUT).
But you lost 150 in one nite, why go back? GREAT JUNE VEGAS INVESTMENT

rock aan kids
Much luv n straight flushes

oh yea, I finished 23rd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


crazy tourney. cool

take it down bbz