Sunday, March 22, 2009

Three handed special Poker.

> Three handed special Poker.
> So it was with gusto i got stuck into the bottle of wine that
> enabled me to unlock my genius (ability to play bad and lose a lot), yes, i finished down perhaps ( For
> sure!!) the biggest loser of the night, but in Stockwin Dollars I am
> so far ahead of dave and robbert its amazing. (1 stockwin dollars =
> - $1,000,000)
> there were a few big pots that i wished i was in but my tightness
> meant i was already out. My best was making Dave lay down the
> straight (Robbert still to act, Adam did nothing to make me fold,
> would have called him in a heart beat, still the only player there
> capable of folding). And Robbert's set of Aces against Dave's kings,
> nice lay down btw.. It was nearly the biggest pot of the night( of
> course it was I know how to play). :p
> From the picture that was posted you worked out i was stacked twice
> early on, and then again later. And again much later in the lower
> stakes me and Robb played in, headz-up for half an hour. To be fair
> Robbert played well (got lucky)and I was a bit too tight, dave as
> usual just did what he does best: trash talk, and outlay Adam and
> Rob all night cox they are clueless!
> lol. In the end Rob was the only winner, with Dave losing some of
> his chips ($7) after some inspired calling by his opposition (Adam
> calling to 2 gutshots on the turn to big rersises coz he is cluess.
> Next time Adam will lose again, just probably more....

Adam (hoping to learn how to play one day)


Tenakalaz said...

I edited it for truth reasons and to adjust your deluded babble! You never made me lay down a straight you fool! Robbert still being in the pot did, you're do clueless! Shame coz you are alright generally!

Anonymous said...

A great man just said; "In all forms of society, thoughout all periods time, those who possess a special genius are berated and considered fools by their peers. History, however, will always see these as legends in retrospect." Muttun Lam. March 2010. :p

Tenakalaz said...

I think you mean a grating man.. you are amusing...