Sunday, April 12, 2009

Why I played it So BAD...

well I came in 5th AGAIN... suck.
I had a great stack etween 7-10k during the middle-late stage of the 8man tourney saturday nite 11apr09 at daves n played one hand bad n was eliminated... I'll tell ya why:

Here how my last hand played out:

Blinds at 200/400 5-handed.
Dave first to act raises to 1200, 3xBB. I CALL (mental note here). Andy calls, dealer & blinds fold, we see a flop.

3 Q J rainbow

Daves first to act n goes All-In immediately with 7k more. I think he doesnt have a queen cas he wasnt showing real strength (Dave's big tell wasnt present ;) I have 6k more so hes putting me ALL-IN if I call. so after about a minute of internal deliberation I think Im good n I CALL. Hoping Andy folds cas "I GOT A MONSTER IF IM CALLING" he open folds QTs and folds top pair. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. of course any of us could b holding that AQ right? NATURALLY, he thught Dave had it, He ut me on a J. 50% great read Andy. but no... dave flips over 9Ts, hes drawin to an open ended straight draw (minus the backdoor flush), n I flip over KJs for middle pair n a backdoor flush draw. So its a race and I'm in the lead but hes got 7outs to hit his straight but still only about 30-35% to hit I believe (anyone know the numbers here?). He needs help n I have to hold on.

Turn comes Q, paired the board took away some percenteages to hittin on the river, now hes about 15-20% to make his straight(?), I got 2 pair this is looking good. Dave needs a K or an 8 to hit the straight or HES OUTA HERE (hed have 1 orange chip left n the blinds would eat him up in 1round)...

River card: 8

He hits his straight n IM OUT.


Heres why.

Cas CALLING the pre-flop raise was a the wrong move wit 2 suited paints. ITS A MONSTER shorthandand, any Ace rag should fold here to a Riase + ReRaise 7k to call for 80-90% of their chip stack. Either RAISE OR FOLD, no weak calling here, its the wrong move. SO, by NOT RAISING about 5k MORE pre-flop which wouldve induced 2 quick folds, I let then BOTH see a flop that I couldve avoided elimination from an also woulda won a decent sized pot, bumped back u to 10k n held a strong chip stack goin into the later rounds of the tourney 5handed.

By playing weak I lost. Lesson learned.

Note to self: Making mistakes on my home turf is needed so that when I get into the big dance for a chance for the BIG SCORE (1million to da winner), THESE MISTAKES WONT HAPPEN. WANNA CASH, GONNA CASH, 40th Edition WSOP 2009 HERE I COME. 11wks to game time.

Final Tourney Results!

1st: Mike 10pts / 142euro
2nd: Andy 8pts / 42euro
3rd: ???? 6pts (Dave or Rob)
3rd: ???? 4pts (Dave or Rob)
5th: Brian 2pts

Rock aan n straight flushes on the river when your neighbor gets quads,


Tenakalaz said...

wow and i do seem to do so well despite having such an obvious tell... imagine how it will be now that you made me aware of it and I can eliminate it, although to be fair i would have played most hands the same there including a set of Q's, set of J's, KK, AA, even a set of 3's... as the all in over bet bluff fake!

Yeh if you had pushed i would have folded, calling the all in on the flop with middle pair was your one mistake especially with Andy still to play.

Preflop raise to steal the blinds was never a bad move and with an up and down draw the all in semi-bluff is a great move. If everyone folds I win the pot there, if someone calls i am in ok shape against anything except a set having 8 outs.. not many but enough. it's make or break time need chips to win.

Good luck dude..

be careful of any fake tells... ;)

Tenakalaz said...

oh yeh i was 30% to win..

Anonymous said...

are u referring to the tell when his nipples stiffen? thats my favorite.. it helps when he wears those tight t-shirts..

wish I hung around to see it, sounds like the blinds where very high and you had to make a move bri, foling probably not an option. maybe u could just pushed straight in pre flop.. i probably would have, but then, i came 8th!
