Tuesday, May 5, 2009

sick hand flopped the straight, running tens to lose

** Hand # 2586001772 starting - 2009-05-05 19:58:51
** Devil May Cry 2 [Hold 'em] (0.02|0.04 Fixed - Cash Game) Real Money

silverfree sitting in seat 2 with €1.96[Sitting out]
usher86 sitting in seat 3 with €0.30[Sitting out]
MickeyGlenn sitting in seat 4 with €0.61
alf3256 sitting in seat 5 with €10.98
Tenakalaz sitting in seat 6 with €1.29[Dealer]
McKeeny sitting in seat 10 with €8.42
McKeeny posted the small blind - €0.01
MickeyGlenn posted the big blind - €0.02

** Dealing cards to Tenakalaz: 7d, 6h
alf3256 called - €0.02
Tenakalaz called - €0.02
McKeeny called - €0.02
MickeyGlenn checked

** Dealing the flop: 8h, 9h, 10d
McKeeny checked
MickeyGlenn bet - €0.02
alf3256 called - €0.02
Tenakalaz raised to €0.04
McKeeny folded
MickeyGlenn called - €0.04
alf3256 called - €0.04

** Dealing the turn: 10c
MickeyGlenn checked
alf3256 checked
Tenakalaz bet - €0.04
MickeyGlenn raised to €0.08
alf3256 called - €0.08
Tenakalaz called - €0.08

** Dealing the river: 10s
MickeyGlenn bet - €0.04
alf3256 called - €0.04
Tenakalaz folded
MickeyGlenn shows: 8d, 4s
alf3256 shows: Qs, 9c
alf3256 wins €0.47 from the main pot

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