Friday, January 25, 2008


Well it has been sorted....

I now have the ability to create private passworded tournaments on pokerstars for us to play in.

My brother and some of his friends in the U.K have also expressed an interest in playing plus some other friends, so we could expand the tourney to other people we know who can't make the home game.

I was thinking of doing a trial tournament very soon to see how everything works, the structure is a simple sit and go style tournament but I will investigate all the options this weekend and set up a tourney for some evening next week for all those who are interested.

I was also thinking of setting up a teamspeak server so we can all chat whilst playing but you will need to get yourself a headset to be able to use it, but it would make it a bit mroe like the home game.... there is also the chat window of course.

I really want to know who will be interested in playing!

Pokerstars can be found here, it's also available for mac both links are under this

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