Monday, January 14, 2008

Saturdays Game

Well it was an interesting game again saturday!! With Reinder who played for the first time last week coming in 1st and newcomer Andy pulling his weight by coming in 3rd..... Stu the home player finsihed a respectable 2nd.

It was also the first time we introduced the Purple chip with a value of 2000, Andy was the first to get the chip lead and chip upto hold 2 purples within the first few hands catching Roy and Robbert with his set of 6's...... giving him an early lead.

Andy appeared to be a dark horse with people having obvious trouble reading him and putting him on hands, David was desperate for a showdown to get a feel for the sort of hands he was playing, only to push all in with 4's late in the tourney and get knocked out by Andy with K 6 clubs.. hitting his 6 on the flop, that will teach Dave for going in with such small pairs as fours.

There was some crazy hands during the game especially early on but once things had quieted down Andy called for a new deck and everyone was in agreement feeling that the deck had gone cold...

And what a difference it made..

The most memorable hand of the evening was with a flop of K K J and a 10 on the turn Roy Bet, Robbert raised all in and Reinder moved all in after him.

K K J 10

Once the hands were shown the situation was CRAZY........ Roy had flopped a full house kings over jacks, Robbert had hit three of a kind Kings and Reinder had hit the royal straight and the Straight/Royal flush draw....

Heading to the river only a 9 or a a of clubs could save Reinder and Roy was already couting his chips when as if he had planned it, Reinder catches his 9 clubs on the river......Hitting his straight flush (the first in the history of the tourney) Tripling up and knocking Robbert out in 7th.. Ending Robbert's amazing streak of wins and 2nds! Roy was left bewildered wondering what had happened to his beautiful trapping play he had made with his flopped full house.

Kc K K Jc 10c 9c

Amazing!!!!!! 9 through to king all clubs! Well done Reinder on your first win and Stuart with cashing after not playing since November!!!

I will mail everyone about the next game tomorrow!

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