Monday, February 18, 2008

Donkeyfish Training is here!!

Guys I have created a new site for us...

You can get to it thorugh the links section in this right hand column and also through the link in this post!!

This is called Donkeyfish training and will primarily be for us sharing techniques, strategy and anything that will help us improve our game.

I think there will be a lot of focus on online play here and I will be installing Brian and Adam as administrators also to the site so we can build up a nice collection of learning tools for us all to improve our game.

Also the URL for our blog has changed to get my tenakalaz name out of it and to add our Donkeyfish name to the URL and make it ours and not just from me. Adam and Brian have also been added as moderators!

I hope you all enjoy!!

The new site is available here!!

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