Sunday, February 17, 2008

Late Match Report

Sorry for the delay guys, I have been a bit under the weather so the report will be a little rusty.

What we do know is the Roy won another one to be the highest cashing player so far this year!!! Adam taking down his first cash and Dave managing to mess up and make enough mistakes to throw away his chip lead all on his own and all to adam who caught 9's and Q's in the BB both times to call Daves semi bluffs and go from short stack to chip leader in 3 hands.

The last hand was a coin flip with Adam slightly ahead but Roy manged to catch with his trip 3's to take it down.

So well done to Roy.

Next match should be in a week or so and I should be feeling better and I think I am going to be taking mroe notes during the match and recording more info to make the match reports that little bit better!!!

Thanks to the guys who are posting their own reports and keeping us posted on their own progress online, its great to read about, and maybe I will have something more to post on that soon!!

see you all soon

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