Monday, March 3, 2008

It's always Liam's go......

It was a great match again this weekend (but then I would say that) it was action packed and filled with some big hands, most of which seemed to fall to Roy in the beginning, Pocket Rockets, Jacks, even Kings which ended up being his demise against Robberts Queens when robbert hit a set on the Turn, roy even threw a set of jacks away in a hand were Adam and Andy were going all in for the pot and scared Roy out of the way with 3 jacks...

Thankfully there was NO super turbo tournament before everyone arrived but even with Liam not present for the first few hands and being blinded out there was still all ins within the first 5 hands of the tournament... Love it!

The match was pretty even for quite some time with no one being kocked out for well past the add-in period and the pots were almost always big... But then a flurry of action gave Robbert a huge chip lead when he Cripple Roy and knocked out Liam in one hand holding his Queens, Liam had his 6's and Roy was holding pocket Kings, Everything seemed good for the kings on the flop but a queen on the turn knocked out Liam and severly crippled Roy who eventually went out to Adam.

Robbert was left with a huge stack and we had lost our first player.

After another crazy hand were Robbert held KK against Andy's JJ, Andy was out and the loss of roy a little earlier to Adam meant we were down to 4, Brian, Adam, Dave and Robbert.

Brian went out first trying to bluff Robbert off a pair of kings with his A 9, but it failed and he didnt catch an Ace to help him out.

3's up, Adam who was the short stack doubled up through Dave leaving him crippled with around 4500 chips when he caught his jack, only to later lose them all back to him along with the rest when his Q J couldnt catch against Daves AK thus it was down to Dave and Robbert to battle heads up for the final 2 spots.

Robbert had around twice as many chips as Dave but he managed to double up with A 10 clubs against Robberts KJ when he hit the flush on the turn, Dave now had the chip lead. A few folds later and Dave calls Robbert's all in with A 6 off suit and Robbert turns over K J again but with noone hitting anything Dave took down the match.


Oeroeboeroe said...

It was a weird but great game. Gives jou stuff to think about!!!
Folding a set of jacks :(
Looking forward to the next game.


Tenakalaz said...

lol it was crazy..... and not this saturday but the one after is the next game!!

I can't wait!!

Shall I write you in already?