Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Foto from the winning hand!

David Lazarus

Monday, October 20, 2008

Last Saturday Nite!

Well kids! this is beebzz comin to ya with a quick match report of wat the heck
happened!?! last saturday nite! YEA!

An early cash game of 4 players showed up big for somemm less for others. for more
detailed information, ask them :)

18:55 hit and we couldnt wait any longer! Maurice was the newbie in the game so some
fresh blood is always welcome! He held his own n did well to boot. Woulda even got
points, HAHA Go Maurice!

The game began with alotttttta action! chips flyin everywhere and kids goin ALL-IN
like it was a .10c tourney and not a 10euro one. DANG! That spelled disaster for
some nd bossed the other up quite nice with 5 rebuys and 1 add-ons putting the pot
up to 142euro for the winner of a 6-man match VERY NICE!

beebzz perspective: I thought I was playin good until that one big dominated call
for all my chips holdin KJo to Andy's AJo and watda know? the flop comes 2 3 5, then
my KING! and of course to end my evening the earliest of the entire YEAR of playin!
the 4 came on the river and BANG! Beebzz was felted at 21:26! BAMM! DOEI! OUCH.
number one out. "poker happens"

Ive just coined my own phrase! NICE.

The next out was the CHIP LEADER ADAM! who was holding onto 10k in chips that slowly
leaked away until the big bang, first with Q9 vs Q10 tthen his KQ walked into Daves KK when he hit a Q on the flop finally going out with 8 8 in the small blind walking into Andy's AA in the big blind. It really seemed like the night ofhte big blind!! BANG! DOEI! he was #2 out, welcome to the no points
club! DOH!. (for more details see adam :) so of course a side cash game began that I
have more info on but is irrelevant.

a 4-man game continued with Maurice, Roy, Dave and andy all shovin' their chips in, makin
moves and stealin! Dave ended up going out when he was down to 5x the BB and pushed with KJ in the and got called by Andy's KQ in the BB, he was out in 3rd, then the final Hand Andy got his 7 8 in against KQ suited against Roy and Roy hit his Flush on the turn.... and takes down another tourney, well done Roy.

YEA! details evade me but the final result ended like this:

ROY 127euro +/-
ANDY 42euro +/-

Roy 10pts!
Andy 8pts!
Dave 6pts
Maurice (finished 4th so no points were awarded this week!)

Leaderboard looks like so!

1. Dave: 76 pts
2. Roy: 72 pts
3. Robbert: 60 pts
4. Brian: 56 pts
5. Reinder: 54 pts
6. Adam: 48 pts
7. Andy: 42 pts

-- out of the running --
Liam, Juha, Stuart



Of course following the tourney began ANOTHER dealers choice cash game that had
Adam and Brian straddlin their omaha deals like crazy once we hit the big table!
yea! big pots big wins and an explosive finish that moved a 45euro pot in one hand from to Dave (the final hand of all things). OUCH. let me say one thing about that: A ONE TIME GIFT, ENJOY (I will enjoy it, I will save some of it, to take some more money from you next game ;)). IM

hahahaha NICE!

End of the Year Match schedule:
01st November - 19:00
15th November - 19:00
29th November - 19:00

6th December - 12:00 & 19:00
24hr Dbl Tourney FINALE! = Trophy, P.O.T.Y Pot & Runner-Up Chip Set Presentation!
And of course the last CASH GAME of the year!



TIll two weeks from last saturday!




Friday, October 17, 2008

Belated Match Report

Sorry for the delay guys, but here is brief belated match report from 2 weeks ago.

Yep the Luck Box Dave won again.... there was a lot of talk about coming in the points during match and who wanted to make sure who didn't make the points.

David was mainly concerned about keeping Roy out of the points and scoring himself so he was very happy when Roy went out in 5th place just outside the points!!!

Andy got very unlucky not to win the tournament when Dave luckboxed him completely, Flop came down K 9 4 rainbow and Dave pushed all in, Andy thought long and hard and even admitted he had a bad feeling about the hand, but he eventually called, showing K 4.

A 9 on the river gave Dave back his chip lead and put Andy in a tough spot.. The final hand Andy raised, Dave re raised and Andy pushed all in, Dave insta-called with A Q and was a bit unhappy to see the pair of 9's, but a Q on the river made him lucky once again and he won the match, taking home 112 Euro and Andy finishing in an unlucky 2nd.

So the competition is getting hot for the player of the year now, Dave is leading with 70 points and Roy in a close second with 62, although anyone in the top 5 can win enough points to take down the trophy this year easily. It is getting exciting.

Monday, October 13, 2008

beebzz Omaha highlights of the week!

enjoy :b

Match report being made now!

sorry fro the delay, I am trying to get it done A.S.A.P!

Will discuss with Adam later!


Propsed Game Dates

18th oktober
01st November
15th November
29th November
6th or 13th December Double Tourney day with the final deepstack tournament!!

please drop any feedback when you get the chance!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Last Weeks Points n Cashes!


Goes to DAVE 10pts! + 112 euro

2nd: Andy! 8pts + 37 euro

3rd = beebzz 6pts!


4th = Robbert 4pts!

SO! this is how it looks gents!

01. Dave: 70pts
02. Roy: 62pts
03. Robbert: 60pts
04. beebzz: 56pts
05. Reinder: 54pts
06. Adam: 48 points
07. Andy: 42 points
08. Liam : 22 points
09. Juha : 8 points
10. Stuart : 8 points

good luck kids in the coming weeks!

Lets do a Wweekend Poker Tourny to end the year off with a BANG!
or a BIG BIG BIG Tourny w/ like 30-40 people somewhere!


WSOP08 rocks yea


Thursday, October 2, 2008

next time i promise i make notes (the game that time forgot)

once again we find selves in a position where most of us can remember nothing of the game.. lol.. somehow i think this will change as the year goes on and the stakes get higher. there is over 200 euros in the player of the year prize now i think.. it would be a nice little prize by the end of the year. maybe over 300 plus the title, the fame and trophy.. i want it..
but i wasn't going to make much progress in the this game. for once i drank a little big too much and recall loosing a nice chip lead at one point and finishing in 5th. Dave said I get a point or two but I'm sure he'll sort that out.(helpdude)
i also remember calling Andy AJ down with my 73o i think at one point. A bit crazy but i still claim i had favourable pot odds. Liam knocked me out by hitting a straight on the river.
OK. I can't say much more other than:
8 players
adam  - 5th
roy  - 1st       165 euros
robbert - 3rd
andy - 6th
dave - 7th
brian - 8th
liam - 4th
reinder  - 2nd -    55 euros
If I've got something wrong then someone correct me please.
next time i promise i make some notes