Friday, October 17, 2008

Belated Match Report

Sorry for the delay guys, but here is brief belated match report from 2 weeks ago.

Yep the Luck Box Dave won again.... there was a lot of talk about coming in the points during match and who wanted to make sure who didn't make the points.

David was mainly concerned about keeping Roy out of the points and scoring himself so he was very happy when Roy went out in 5th place just outside the points!!!

Andy got very unlucky not to win the tournament when Dave luckboxed him completely, Flop came down K 9 4 rainbow and Dave pushed all in, Andy thought long and hard and even admitted he had a bad feeling about the hand, but he eventually called, showing K 4.

A 9 on the river gave Dave back his chip lead and put Andy in a tough spot.. The final hand Andy raised, Dave re raised and Andy pushed all in, Dave insta-called with A Q and was a bit unhappy to see the pair of 9's, but a Q on the river made him lucky once again and he won the match, taking home 112 Euro and Andy finishing in an unlucky 2nd.

So the competition is getting hot for the player of the year now, Dave is leading with 70 points and Roy in a close second with 62, although anyone in the top 5 can win enough points to take down the trophy this year easily. It is getting exciting.

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