Thursday, October 2, 2008

next time i promise i make notes (the game that time forgot)

once again we find selves in a position where most of us can remember nothing of the game.. lol.. somehow i think this will change as the year goes on and the stakes get higher. there is over 200 euros in the player of the year prize now i think.. it would be a nice little prize by the end of the year. maybe over 300 plus the title, the fame and trophy.. i want it..
but i wasn't going to make much progress in the this game. for once i drank a little big too much and recall loosing a nice chip lead at one point and finishing in 5th. Dave said I get a point or two but I'm sure he'll sort that out.(helpdude)
i also remember calling Andy AJ down with my 73o i think at one point. A bit crazy but i still claim i had favourable pot odds. Liam knocked me out by hitting a straight on the river.
OK. I can't say much more other than:
8 players
adam  - 5th
roy  - 1st       165 euros
robbert - 3rd
andy - 6th
dave - 7th
brian - 8th
liam - 4th
reinder  - 2nd -    55 euros
If I've got something wrong then someone correct me please.
next time i promise i make some notes

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