Friday, January 25, 2008

Poker Observations of the Lam

Poker Observations of the Lam


So here it was; a wonderful night to behold lay before my woolly feet as I trod fearlessly back into the world of poker stars. Under the guidance of the legendary Tenakalaz I took part in the 45 seater in line for a dollar (paid for by the aforementioned).


It was going well for me until I had to take a call in the real world, and subsequently got blinded down so much that when I returned it was all I could to but watch my all in on two high cards.


At least it gave me a chance to watch the Ten' go about his game and as he took down the 150 euros in the last home game I thought some research may be useful anyway. And that's the main reason for this blogg; his careful strategy deserves closer inspection for the sake of my bankroll.


He started copybook tight; tight is right, in the early stages. It was not until the field come down to two tables did he loosen up slightly. He created a very nice image by folding slowly at times, quickly at others. No chat.


He let the lunatics get their chips stack and lose them, a lot of it finding its way to him.


Here I must admit I tried my best to put his off by typing odd words in the chat box but he had it sorted.


He played a few careful but committed bluffs against the correct opponents and played his A-game until the field was down to seven, then he used the credit he gained from his tight image to be able to take some high blinds down pre-flop.


He was safe and waited for his cards. When they came he coaxed others into a hand and knocked them out.


What was noticeable about his game was the discipline he showed in making it to the final table and then being able to switch his game to a more aggressive style. As the players remaining came down to four he was super aggressive, and it was not long between until it was between him and the other best player in the tourney were heads up.


Here, when a little luck was needed he had none and had his K7 suited (I think) blown away by an AQ off suit.


A great game to watch…


I was thinking that maybe it is not fair to submit these observations; we will all get a chance to play him and use what we know about his game against him, but when he can switch his style so effectively, will reading this make him any easier to play? I doubt it.


But it could help us.




Anonymous said...

Luckily online is a slightly different animal to live play and the homegames, hehehehe (he says hopefully)

Thanks for the report, it was interesting reading someone elses take on a match I was playing in.

I think we need to do a couple more this week. It had been a good day as I had played two that night, won one and came second in the one you watched.. now to get back to building that bankroll!!

Anonymous said...

Luckily online is a slightly different animal to live play and the homegames, hehehehe (he says hopefully)

Thanks for the report, it was interesting reading someone elses take on a match I was playing in.

I think we need to do a couple more this week. It had been a good day as I had played two that night, won one and came second in the one you watched.. now to get back to building that bankroll!!

Anonymous said...

dude you are repeating yourself!! i just said you had a nice game, i did mean that it meant you could repeat yourself.. lol
