Monday, February 25, 2008

Poker Lunacy Saturday!

Well what can I say about saturdays game... it was a Wild and aggressive one...

We also played with the 2 pack system with one pack being shuffled and made ready for the next deal whilst the other deck was in play, this made for a much faster game and we all got to see many more hands which was great. I think people will agree that it was a nice addition to the game, so thanks to Adam for this idea.

We only had 6 people so it was a bit shorthanded and everyone had decided that we would not be playing for any player of the year points this week due to the lack of people but we would increase the intial buy in to €15 and increase the chips to 3000 to make it a bit more fun.... And fun it most certainly was.

It was one of the most fast paced action based games I have played in so far it was so incredibly fast that Brian had rebought already after the first crazy hand before Liam had even arrived and then again within 10 minutes after that... like I said it was a bit crazy.

Eventually Adam was first out followed by Robbert who went out with his pocket 10's aganist Daves K Q. Liam and Andy both went out on the same hand which was probably the craziest hand of the tournament, with Andy on Q J, Liam had A J, and Dave had pocket 9's, and preflop Brian thinking hard for 5 minutes abotu what to do with his apparentlt great hand, he was unsure but decided to fold (later to find out he folded K Q, great fold though).

FLOP : 9 A 8

Dave hit a set of 9's on the flop, Liam hit his ace and Andy had a gutshot staightdraw.

Turn : 10

Andy hits his straight 8 through to Q and Dave was screaming for the board to pair up and give him a full house, and then comes the river.....

River : 8 The board pairs and gives Dave a fullhouse and two people are knocked out leaving Dave an Brian to go heads up, Liam out in 4th with slightly less chips and Andy out in 3rd, and Brian incfedbily happy that he folded.

Eventually the game came down to the classic showdown of two overcards against a pair. Dave held AK and Brian pocket 9's but a King on the flop and no improvement for Brian meant that Dave took down the match this week.

Anyway I am already looking forward to this weeks game!!! See you all saturday I hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

one of the greatest games we have had at the home game. I'm saying that and I was out first!!

The next one is going to be awesome. Esp when I will...

The Muttun