Sunday, June 22, 2008

PokerStars Sunday Million Replays...

I'm currently up about $50 tonite on some nice loose .25/.50 PLHE tables, got the
football on in the background and everything is feelin right. I decide to stop for
the nite but still feel good about playin, so I start lookin around the lobby and
find the Sunday Milion from 2wks ago... the FINAL TABLE! cool! all the hands are
face up and you can watch it from a God perspective. very nice. you can watch REAL
PokerPlays goin on... funny. anyhwoo... jsut thought Id send on the hint. Check it
out here:

PokerStars Lobby

Tourny > Special > Sunday Million Final Table Replay (June 8)

have fun! see ya at the tables!
rock aan.


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