Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Saturdays match

It was a wierd one saturday, only 6 of us so a bit of a small one, but everyone held on there and there was still all 6 players until about 11:30 and then it started speeding up with the people dropping out.

Robbert had made an amazing comeback after bleeding off a lot of chips over a long period and had got back to over 6000 before he got knocked out by Juha and his ever growing stack of chips.

Roy was the first out after David pushed all in 3 times in a row with a relatively short stack to steal the blinds and Roy called showing K K, David had A J of clubs and spiked an Ace on the flop to take his chips and knock out Roy.

After Roy,Juha was next to go out follwed by Robbert who got busted by Liam, leaving just 3.

Dave went into the last 3 with a slight chip lead over Liam and Brian was shortstacked. Then it all changed on one hand when David in the BB was let in with K 6 and with a check to the turn and then a bet of 1000 on the turn which he called, hitting his 6 high straight to Liams wheel and knocking him haivng him slightly covered.

Down to Heads up with Brian and Dave and things only lasted 2 hands, Brian pushing all in with 10 5 of hearts and Dave woke up to find Aces heads up and of course called to end the match.

It was a good game and the next should be better with more people present, but I would think it might not be for a week or so due to football commitments... hehe

see you all soon!

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